I have long believed Susie Cakes to be the best cupcakery EVER. However, that doesn't stop my friends from insisting the original cupcakery, Sprinkles is Numero Uno. So although I couldn't make it all the way to Beverly Hills to do a taste test, I did happen to waltz into Williams Sonoma for a toaster oven and couldn't resist getting the Sprinkles Red Velvet cupcake mix. I really tried to follow the directions to a T (Tee? not sure) even though I was using a little electric hand mixer not a Kitchen Aid mixer. Of course after I had made the cupcakes (the extremely messy part) and was about to start making the frosting, Elliot tells me we have the Kitchen Aid mixer in the garage -_- . These are the dilemmas of a couple living in two places. Here's a photo reel of the whole experiment ;)
Here we go! |
The cupcakes came out pretty good, but not as good as Susie Cakes. Granted, that could be attributed to my lack of baking skills so I'll have to do a blind test to really know for sure! Until next time friends!
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