Monday, July 9, 2012

Saturday Baking.

I have long believed Susie Cakes to be the best cupcakery EVER. However, that doesn't stop my friends from insisting the original cupcakery, Sprinkles is Numero Uno. So although I couldn't make it all the way to Beverly Hills to do a taste test, I did happen to waltz into Williams Sonoma for a toaster oven and couldn't resist getting the Sprinkles Red Velvet cupcake mix. I really tried to follow the directions to a T (Tee? not sure) even though I was using a little electric hand mixer not a Kitchen Aid mixer. Of course after I had made the cupcakes (the extremely messy part) and was about to start making the frosting, Elliot tells me we have the Kitchen Aid mixer in the garage  -_- . These are the dilemmas of a couple living in two places. Here's a photo reel of the whole experiment ;)

Here we go!

The cupcakes came out pretty good, but not as good as Susie Cakes. Granted, that could be attributed to my lack of baking skills so I'll have to do a blind test to really know for sure! Until next time friends!

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