Thursday, July 5, 2012

When in doubt, just freaking do it.


I have missed you! Have you missed me? Not even sure if you exist out there or if I even like this broadcasting my life in cyberspace deal, but I couldn't think of a reason NOT to update you, so here I am. Last week I was fortunate enough to go the GPhiB Convention in Denver, Colorado! It was during this trip that I realized I am not comfortable at all with turbulence and I really enjoy using the buddy system when flying. Note to self: Please try not to fly alone ever again. Not that I couldn't handle it or I don't like doing things for myself, I just enjoy the company of another person in a potentially stressful situation. Like if there is a sudden drop, it would be nice to grab the hand of a friend instead of the freakishly calm British woman reading SkyMall. Got it self? Good.

I had such an awesome time at Convention that I am literally counting down the days (730 days to be exact) until the next one! It was so inspiring to see all of these women trying to give back and provide young girls (and young adults) with strong role models. I truly believe every girl needs a good woman to look up to, whether it's her Mom, Aunt, Grandmother, Sister, or Gamma Phi chapter advisor. There were so many exciting announcements and changes to be more efficient and effective, my resolve to remain active was affirmed. But enough with all that, let's get down to the part I know you're really waiting for.... the pictures! Here are a few highlights from the week.

Posing in front of the Colorado photo-op with alumnae and collegiates.

Standing underneath our Crest with International President Linda Maloney!

Rose and I at the Awards Dinner (Congrats Katie)!

Our nametag ribbons! There were some alumnae with ribbons down to their knees!

Howdy from the Conventioneer's Dinner!

You can't go wrong with pink, glittery letters. 

Last but not least, the Pink Carnation Banquet.

Until next time friends!

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